Stevenage Phoenix Weekly Results & News – 19th August 2024

Handicap r4 1 (1)

This week we had our 4th handicap, and a particularly “fiery” trail run. 


This week we had 17 runners at 7 locations and Martin Wasley celebrated his 100th milestone at Stevenage. Martin’s son, Alex, also earned himself a ParkRun PB of 19mins 9secs.

5k handicap: race 4

On Thursday 15th, we had 28 club members racing in number four of our six part 5k handicap series. The fastest man on the night was Alex Wasley with a target time of 19mins 30secs and a race time of 18mins 43secs. The fastest woman was Kath Phoenix with a target time of 25mins 15secs and a race time of 22mis 49secs. Neal Crawley claimed the top spot on the night and Myles Hammersley is still at the overall top of the leaderboard.

Inferno ring of hell 

On Saturday 17th, Jodie Kantas, Mason Simmons and Pete Tungate did Tough Trails, Inferno Ring of Hell. Unfortunately a quarter of the way in, Pete sprained his ankle, resulting in his return back to camp. Mason and Jodie completed the trail in 4hours 33mins. The trail started at Edale, running up to Kinder Scout then onto Mam tor. It was a circular route with extreme elevation. At one point they climbed up a waterfall! This was a very trying course, running on stones, through peat, jumping borders, scrambling down steep hills on their bottoms. It was trail running at its best. Running the ridge of Mam tor was Jodie’s highlight, in her words “it was stunning, a real rush of adrenaline up there”. The distance was just more than a half marathon, at 15.66 miles.

Steeple Modern, Friendship Run

This charity run was raising money for ‘Arthur Rank Hospice and in memory of Clare Mariconda. Clare was a member of Steeple Chasers Running and Cycling Club, and sadly passed away recently. The medals were also kindly sponsored by Bury Lane. One member of Phoenix ran this race and it was also her first 10km race, so a huge achievement on this special run. Wendy Summerbee completed the course in 1hour 10mins and 13 seconds.  

Wendy Steeple Morden (2)

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