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History of Stevenage

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Welcome to Stevenage, a town with a rich history and a vibrant present. Our story begins centuries ago, nestled in the heart of Hertfordshire, England.


Stevenage traces its roots back to Saxon times, with evidence of settlement dating as far back as the 7th century. Originally a small village, Stevenage gradually grew in importance due to its strategic location along the Great North Road, a major thoroughfare connecting London to the north of England.

Medieval Marvels

During the medieval period, Stevenage flourished as a market town, bustling with trade and activity. Its market charter, granted in the 13th century, further solidified its status as a commercial hub. The town’s picturesque medieval buildings and charming streets still echo with the whispers of centuries past, offering a glimpse into its storied history.

Industrial Revolution and Beyond

The dawn of the Industrial Revolution brought significant changes to Stevenage. The arrival of the railway in the mid-19th century facilitated trade and transportation, propelling the town into a new era of growth and prosperity. Industries such as brewing and agriculture thrived, shaping the town’s economic landscape.

New Town Vision

In the aftermath of World War II, Stevenage underwent a remarkable transformation. As part of the New Towns movement, initiated to alleviate overcrowding in London and promote urban redevelopment, Stevenage was designated as the first New Town in England in 1946. This marked the beginning of a bold experiment in urban planning, guided by principles of modernism and community-centric design.

Modern Marvels

The post-war years saw Stevenage evolve into a modern, planned town, characterised by spacious residential estates, green spaces, and state-of-the-art amenities. Bold architectural designs, such as the iconic tower blocks and innovative town centre, reflected the optimism and ambition of the era. Stevenage became a model for urban planning, attracting attention and admiration from around the world.

Today and Tomorrow

As we stand on the threshold of the 21st century, Stevenage continues to thrive and evolve. With a diverse population, a dynamic economy, and a strong sense of community spirit, the town remains a beacon of progress and innovation. Stevenage embodies the enduring spirit of resilience, adaptability, and growth from its historical roots to its futuristic aspirations.

Join us as we embark on a journey through time, exploring the past, celebrating the present, and envisioning the future of Stevenage. Together, let us write the next chapter in the remarkable story of this extraordinary town.

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