St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School is an amazing community. It is a place where life-long friends are created, and skills are built to enable all of our pupils to become effective and engaged citizens who have real impact on the world in which they live.
The school aims to be a place where pupils, families, staff, governors and parishioners work together to understand what it fully means ‘to be called to be the hands and face of Jesus as we learn love and grow together.’ Principles of social justice, a growing understanding of the common good and a commitment to excellence (in both personal and academic terms) are at the heart of all that we do. Our aim is to support and continue the faith journey that you have started for them and to support you as the primary educator of your child.
Visiting our school, you will find pupils engaged in a vibrant, broad and balanced curriculum, that focuses on key traditional skills at the same time as developing creative links across learning areas. Pupils are encouraged to be independent and resilient in their approach to new learning. In this positive climate for learning, mistakes become the basis for new learning and a ‘can do’ attitude enables great personal successes. This is an exciting place to learn as everyone, adults and children, are recognised as learners.