Lonsdale is a school for physically and neurologically impaired young people aged from 3 to 18 years. Each of our pupils has unique and sometimes complex needs.
In addition to a physical or neurological impairment, some pupils may have sensory loss, a medical condition or associated difficulty in learning.
The purpose of our school is to prepare our pupils so that they thrive, succeed and find happiness in their adult lives.
We are sending our young people into a fast changing world and we want them to take advantage of all the opportunities that will be open to them.
We want our pupils to achieve the best they can in their studies, but we also want them to develop character and a positive approach to their lives alongside their study.
Our school is a community and we believe that young people learn as much from each other as they do from the people supporting them.
We believe that our pupils learn as much in their activities outside the classroom as they do in lessons.
We support our pupils and their families to know and apply their rights and entitlements as citizens. And we want them to live as full members of our society with respect and tolerance for others.
We believe in a varied and creative approach to teaching and learning. We want to inspire our pupils to learn in whatever way is best for them. And we want them to enjoy being at school.
Above all we want our pupils to be ambitious for themselves and for what they can achieve. We want them to reach their full potential; to believe in themselves and to have hopes for their future.