Flower festival over 3 days in the iconic St Mary’s Church by the Home Counties Area group of the National Association of Flower Arranging Societies.
Around 40 wonderful displays with different interpretations of our ‘Abundant Blessings’ will be expressed with expertly crafted & presented flowers & foliage in every part of the beautiful medieval Church.
Music will be played throughout with live performances from local players & delicious refreshments available in the tearoom. Tickets £5 on the door, children £2, to support St Mary’s fundraising and special events take place each evening.
Tickets also available for an exclusive Preview evening on Thursday 19th, a charity evening in aid of the Philip Veale Childens’ centre in Malawi on Friday 20th & a concert with the Four Winds Saxophone quartet on Saturday 21st (see separate event) Details on our website stmaryshitchin.co.uk & https://www.stmaryshitchin.co.uk/flower-festival/